
Homemade and Ready-Made Kefir

The easiest way to have fresh kefir available any time is to make it yourself! Among the benefits of homemade kefir: you can choose the milk you use — organic, nonfat, low fat, whole, goat’s or cow’s milk; it’s very rich in microorganisms, and, of course, it can’t get any fresher. Our kefir starter culture contains six packets that can each be used seven times. For more information on the starter culture, call Body Ecology at: 1-800-511-2660, or click here to go to the Body Ecology online store.

You can also check out the full line of Body Ecology products on-line at the Body Ecology Store.

  • melanie sabenicio

    Where do i get kefir grains? I am from the phillipines. Thank you

  • Mygirl-Honeybee Princess Poppy
  • Paula Hyde Stephen Alvarez

    Where can I purchase Kefir? Would it be in a store like whole foods?
    Thanks for any information! ☺

  • Kim

    Is water kefir as effective as milk

  • somaya

    anyone in india has kefir grains in exschange for kombucha ?

  • If you are looking for real kefir grains in the US see

  • Romi Abhimanyu

    i also have Kombucha mushroom and water kefir,

  • Romi Abhimanyu

    I live in India. My city is New Delhi. I have kefir grains available in India. mail me at You can take enough to make a cup of kefir milk for 700 bucks.

  • Anne

    I am looking for a milk kefir grains in Hawaii (big island) My last kefir grain died and I see on the internet that a lot of suppliers won’t ship to Hawaii. Any idea?

    • mikehodgkiss

      Search ccraigslist there is a seller in Hilo.

  • irene

    is it okay to put my “kiefer milk” into my morning oatmeal?

  • rakesh jangra

    how much it will cost to get kefir grains in nairobi kenya

  • kt07734

    I have milk kefir, water kefir, kombucha and JUN Scobies. Email me at

    • Is it normal for your face to break out when you first start using kifer?